Your Guide to Vehicle Systems
You probably have heard the old saying “A picture is worth a thousand words”. In our case “A video is worth a thousand words”.
MotoVisuals is a system based program that visually shows why a service or repair is necessary or recommended, what you might be experiencing due to the issue, and how your service technician can fix the problem.
MotoVisuals is an online support program that TechNet Professional Automotive Service® centers use to simplify the communication between the service advisor and you!
You no longer have to worry about understanding the complexity of today’s vehicles or the language most often used to learn what is needed to service your vehicle. Using simplified animations, MotoVisuals displays vehicle parts and systems to illustrate over 400 of the most common customer vehicle concerns.
Next time you stop by or have your vehicle serviced at a TechNet Professional Automotive Service® center, ask for a MotoVisuals tour!